
愉悦情绪对英语情感词汇记忆的效应 被引量:15

The Effect of Pleasant Mood on Learning English Words of Different Emotional Colors
摘要 本文通过创设培养被试愉悦情绪,比较两组英语水平相当的成人学习者对英语情感词汇的再认影响,以考察愉悦情绪对英语情感词汇记忆的效应。实验结果表明:1)对于成人学习者,其学习时情绪的愉悦与否不会影响其整体的英语词汇学习记忆;2)词汇本身的情感色彩显著地影响了学习者对词汇的学习记忆,与学习中性或消极词汇相比,学习具有积极情感色彩的词汇时,无论被试是否处于轻松愉快的状态,其学习记忆效果都比较好。 The paper aims to study the effect of pleasant mood on memorizing English words of different emotional colors by Chinese adult English learners. Two groups of subjects participated in the experiment, with one group presented with pleasant pictures and music to induce a pleasant mood, and the other with non-emotional pictures of squares to cause little affection. Both groups were required to memorize the English words presented together with those pictures. Scores of both groups were compared and analyzed. The result showed that a pleasant mood affected little the overall vocabulary learning. But it also suggested that the emotional colors of words exerted much influence on word memorization and words of pleasant color were more likely to be learned regardless of the personal mood.
作者 毛浩然
出处 《福建师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期167-171,共5页 Journal of Fujian Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
基金 福建省教育厅课题项目"情感因素对英语词汇学习的影响"(项目编号:JB05124)
关键词 愉悦情绪 词汇记忆 效应 pleasant mood, vocabulary memory, effect
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