
喷水杀雄和标记去杂在棉花杂种优势利用中的应用 被引量:1

Emasculation by Water Spray and Elimination of Inbreed Seedlings with Transgenic Marker in Heterosis Utilization in Upland Cotton
摘要 为寻求简便可靠的棉花去雄新方法,研究了喷水杀雄结合标记去杂用于棉花杂种优势利用的可行性。以转基因抗虫棉或抗草甘膦棉花为父本,与非抗虫棉或非抗草甘膦棉花配置组合,在盆栽和大田条件下对母本棉花喷水杀雄,以人工剥花去雄为对照,分别人工授粉杂交,杂交种子收获后鉴定纯度,并在来年田间种植,苗期通过转基因标记去杂,收获后统计皮棉产量。结果表明,盆栽和大田条件下喷水杀雄的杂种纯度分别为94.8%和92.2%,较人工去雄分别低4.4和6.6个百分点,喷水没有达到完全彻底的杀雄效果,但大田条件下喷水杀雄比人工剥花去雄快了约1倍。人工剥花去雄的最佳时间为开花头天下午,而喷水杀雄以开花当日8~10时的效果最好。喷水杀雄生产的种子种植田间,利用转基因标记于苗期去杂,F1的最终皮棉产量与人工去雄处理的无显著差异。喷水杀雄结合标记去杂可应用于棉花杂种优势的利用。 In order to search new methods for emasculation, the feasibility of emasculation by water spray combined with elimination of inbreed F1 seedlings through transgenic marker in heterosis utilization in upland cotton was investigated. As a female parent, conventional cotton either grown in pots or in fields was emasculated by hand (CK) or by water spray, and was pollinated with pollens from Bt transgenic cotton or glyphosate-resistant cotton. Part of the harvested hybrid seeds were checked for its purity according to the response of seedlings to kanamyein or glyphosate, while the rest were planted in fields in the next year and the yield was examined after eliminating inbreed seedlings. The purity of seed produced by water emasculation in potting and field conditions was 94.8% and 92. 2%, respectively, significantly lower than that of seeds produced by hand emasculation. The results indicated that water spray did not provide complete emasculation, but emasculation speed with water spray was doubled compared with hand emasculation. Hand- and water- emasculation should be done in the afternoon pre-anthesis and at 8 : 00 - 10 : 00 at anthesis, in terms of emasculation effects, respectively. After elimination of inbreed F1 seed-lings according to transgenic marker, there was no significant difference in lint yield of F1 plants between water emasculation and the control treatments. It is concluded that emasculation by water spray combined with elimination of inbreed F1 seedlings through transgenic marker could be used in enhancing heterosis utilization in upland cotton.
出处 《山东农业科学》 2007年第4期14-18,共5页 Shandong Agricultural Sciences
基金 农业部农业结构调整重大技术研究专项(2003-05-03B) 山东省良种工程重大课题(2005棉花)
关键词 BT棉 抗草甘膦棉 去雄 喷水 杂种优势利用 Bt cotton Glyphozate-resistant cotton Emasculation Water spray Heterosis utilization
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