
合作数学问题解决与心理模型建构关系研究 被引量:3

The Relationship of Collaborative Mathematics Learning with Mental Model Construction
摘要 合作学习研究者很早就开始关注合作互动中解释的作用。Chi关于自我解释的研究表明解释是一种非常有效果的学习现象,能够起到修补和建立学习者的心理模型的作用。本研究以28名高一学生为被试,采取了两种程序的合作学习任务,研究中虽然没有发现两种程序在问题解决结果上的显著差异,但是却表现出在心理模型建构方面互动效果上的差异,或表现为同等效果下的互动次数有显著性差异。 Some researchers investigated the function of giving/receiving explanation in small groups. Chi found that explanation is a very powerful learning phenomenon in the research of self-explanation, which can repair the mental models. Researchers probed the coconstruction of mental models in small group collaboration with 28 grade 10 students. The result showed that no significant difference of learrfing results between two programs was found, but significant differences among various kinds of interaction with respect to mental model construction or among interaction times in terms of equal effects were found.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期857-860,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划教育部重点项目(DBA010176)
关键词 合作学习 心理模型 自我解释 指向他人的解释 cooperative learning, mental model, self-explanation, other-directed explanation
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