
汉字表象加工中的心理位移研究 被引量:3

A Study on Mental Locomotion during Chinese Character Image Processing
摘要 自谢帕德等首次进行心理旋转实验以来,表象加工方式的研究主要集中在心理旋转、心理扫描和认知地图等方面,而作为另一种加工方式的心理位移尚未有研究。本研究以人造汉字作为研究材料,试图证实在表象加工过程中存在心理位移加工方式,结果证实心理位移是表象的加工方式之一。在心理位移过程中,反应时间与构成新形象的两种刺激表象之间的呈现距离成正比;汉字构字过程中心理位移所需加工时间的临界点可能是0.5-1秒。 Since Shepard carried out the first mental rotation experiment, researches on image processing have focused on mental rotation, image scanning and cognitive map, etc. But mental locomotion, another way of image processing, has not been researched yet. The present study was to determine if mental locomotion could be a type of image processing, and the results did demonstrate its exsistense. The findings showed that the reaction time and presentation distance of two stimulation images for constructing a new image were in direct proportion. The critical point of the processing required time during mental locomotion in constructing Chinese characters might be 0.5 - 1 seconds.
作者 汪明
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期883-885,860,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 表象 心理位移 人造汉字 image, mental locomotion, man-made Chinese characters
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