
宁波沿海地区栗、梨和茶园节肢动物群落特征比较 被引量:4

A comparison of characteristics of community of arthropod in tea garden with those in chestnut and pear gardens in coastland of Ningbo
摘要 近年生产上注重茶与果树间作以增大茶园生物多样性而强化自然控制,还望增加收入。为选适宜树种,于2005年1~12月每月下旬调查了宁波沿海地区大片无公害栗园、梨园和茶园节肢动物群落,植食性昆虫种数依次占各类型园总物种数54.4%、56.0%和57.8%,个体数占总个体数百分率91.0%、91.5%和94.8%;捕食性昆虫和捕食螨种数百分率依次是15.7%、15.2%和12.4%,个体数百分率为2.6%、2.6%和0.7%;寄生性昆虫种数百分率是14.2%、14.0%和9.9%,个体数为2.3%、2.5%和0.6%;蜘蛛种数百分率是14.2%、13.0%和17.4%,个体数为3.6%、2.9%和2.7%。3类群落中鳞翅目、同翅目、膜翅目、双翅目和蜘蛛目为优势类群,每类群落中这5个目个体数之和分别占各自群落总个体数80%以上。茶园假眼小绿叶蝉占总个体数35%。月平均丰富度(S)和多样性指数(H′)大小顺序:栗园(S=36.3,H′=1.28)、梨园(S=28.8,H′=1.13)和茶园(S=21.9,H′=0.87)。主成分分析揭示了节肢动物群落稳定性大小:栗园>梨园>茶园。栗园节肢动物群落多样性和稳定性稍大,拥有蜘蛛种类和个体数稍多,控制茶园叶蝉潜能稍大,栗树作为茶园的间作树种比梨树合适。 At the present,the intercrops of tea trees with fruit trees are paid attention to, so as to improve biodiversity, strengthen natural control, and enlarge earning. In order to choose appropriate intercrop species, a survey to arthropod communities in the reaches of non-pollution chestnut, pear and tea gardens in coastla.nd of Ningbo was conducted,in the end part of each month in 2005. The results showed that in chestnut, pear and tea gardens: ( 1 ) the percentage of phytophagous species richness occupied total species richness were 54.4% ,56.0% and 57.8% , respectively; the percentage of their abundance occupied total abundance were 91.0% ,91.5% and 94. 8% in turn; (2) the percentage of predatory species richness accounted for total species richness was 15.7%, 15.2% and 12. 4% ,respectively; the percentage of their abundance accounted for total abundance were 2.6%, 2.6% and 0. 7% in turn; (3) the percentage of parasitic species richness occupied total species richness was 14.2%, 14.0% and 9.9% respectively; the percentage of their abundance occupied total abundance was 2.3% ,2. 5% and 0. 6% in turn; (4) the percentage of spiders species richness occupied total species richness were 14.2% , 13.0% and 17.4% ,respectively; the percentage of their abundance occupied total abundance was 3.6% ,2.9% and 2.7% in turn. Dominant groups in each type of communities were Lepidoptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and Araneida. The percentage of sum of abundance of these surpassed 80%. The percentage of abundance of tea five orders occupied total abundance of respective community green leafhopper occupied total abundance of arthropod in tea garden was 35%. Average richness (S) and diversity indices (H') per month were in the following orders:chest garden(S = 36.3,H' = 1.28) 〉 pear garden(S = 28.8,H' = 1.13) 〉tea garden (S = 21.9,H' = 0.87). Principal component analysis indicated that community stability followed the order:chestnut garden 〉 pear garden 〉 tea garden. Diversity and stability of arthropod community are larger in chestnut than in pear garden, and species richness and abundance of spiders are so more in chestnut than in pear garden that the control potential from chestnuts to tea green leafhoppers is stronger than that from pears. It is suggested that chestnut is more appropriate intercrop tree species than pear.
出处 《安徽农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期391-395,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural University
基金 中国农科院杰出人才基金项目(2002-382) 浙江省农业科技成果转化项目(2005D70025)共同资助
关键词 节肢动物群落 主成分分析 chestnut pear tea arthropod community principal component analysis
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