目的调查铸造企业职业病危害状况和职业病防治工作开展情况。方法采用分层随机抽样对某地区铸造行业企业车间铸造粉尘、噪声、高温进行监督监测,对企业职业健康监护、职业卫生管理制度等现状进行问卷调查。结果铸造工艺之铸造粉尘中游离二氧化硅平均含量为69.8%,铸造粉尘浓度为0.50~9.42 mg/m3,算术均值为(2.04±1.80)mg/m3,与卫生标准限值比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),最大超标倍数为5.3倍,铸造工艺中备砂、造型、开箱、清砂岗位的铸造粉尘平均水平分别为(2.79±2.66)(、1.44±0.77)(、1.66±0.84)(、2.26±2.13)mg/m3;备砂、熔炼、清砂岗位的噪声平均水平分别为85.2、84.9、89.4 dB(A);铸造车间室内外温差熔炼、浇注岗位平均水平分别为3.00℃、3.56℃,岗位温差点合格率为33.3%。结论铸造行业职业病危害状况依然比较严重,应进一步强化铸造企业的职业病防治主体意识,落实并完善健康监护和定期检测评价制度。
Objective To survey the occupational hazards of casting industry in a suburban area of Shanghai. Methods The plants of the casting industry were selected by stratified random sampling. The occupational hazard such as foundry dust, acoustical noise and high temperature in these factories were monitored. And the status of occupational health surveillance and the regulatory regime of occupational health were surveyed with a questionnaire. Results The average content of free silicon dioxide in foundry dust was 69.8%. The concentration range of foundry dust was 0.50 - 9.42 mg/m^3, the mean was (2.04 ± 1.80) mg/m^3, and the highest concentration is about 5.3 times of national exposure limits. The average levels of foundry dust in the working area such as preparing grit, modeling, disclosing caddy and cleaning grit were (2.79 ± 2.66),(1.44 ± 0.77),(1.66 ± 0.84) and (2.26 ± 2.13) mg/m^3 respectively. The average levels of acoustical noise in the working area such as preparing grit, smelting and cleaning grit were 85.2, 84.9 and 89.4 dB(A) respectively. The average differences between outdoor and indoor temperature in the smelting and pouring area were 3.00 22 and 3.56 22, and the compliance rate was 33.3%. Conclusion The occupational hazards in casting industry were still serious, so the casting enterprises' consciousness of prevention and cure of occupational disease should be strengthened by fulfilling health surveillance, periodic detection and evaluation.
Occupational Health and Emergency Rescue
Foundry dust
Occupational hazard
Free silicon dioxide