
青少年病理性互联网使用量表的编制与验证 被引量:147

The Development and Validation of Adolescent Pathological Internet Use Scale
摘要 参照国内外研究并结合我国青少年的实际情况,旨在编制出更适合我国情况的青少年病理性互联网使用量表(Adolescent Pathological Internet Use Scale,APIUS)。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的结果表明APIUS由6个维度构成,即突显性、耐受性、强迫性上网/戒断症状、心境改变、社交抚慰、消极后果。APIUS显示了良好的信、效度指标,可以作为我国青少年病理性互联网使用的测量工具。 As Internet users grow in number, behavioral disorders related to Intemet use have become increasingly prevalent. The term "Pathological Interact Use (PIU)" has been used to describe problematic, excessive, or maladaptive use of the Interact. Despite mounting interest in how to measure PIU, these assessment instruments focus mostly on adults, especially college students. There have few proper instruments for adolescents in China. It has been argued that the current assessment instruments of PIU are based on different theoretical underpinnings and do not agree on the underlying dimensions of PIU. Thus, we developed the Adolescent Pathological Interact Use Scale (APIUS) based on the behavioral, emotional and maladaptive cognition symptoms proposed by Davis and the realistic situation in China. The APIUS, background questionnaire eliciting data on basic demographics, weekly on - line hours were administered in a paper and pencil manner to a random sample of ordinary middle school students (N = 1331) and adolescent who have been diagnosed to be pathological internet users (N = 30). Exploratory factor analysis, confrmatory factor analysis, Cronbach α, Test - retest reliability, content validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity and t - test were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that APIUS is consisted of six dimensions, including salience, mood alteration, social comfort, tolerance, compulsive internet use/withdrawal symptoms, and negative outcomes. APIUS had a clear structure, good reliability and validity with satisfactory Cronbach α, Test - retest reliability, content validity, convergent validity, discfiminant validity. T- test also showed pathological internet users had significant higher scores than ordinary middle school students. Based on the Sensitivity, Specificity and Diagnostic Accuracy, this paper suggests the cutoff point of APIUS. The limitations of APIUS have also been discussed.
作者 雷雳 杨洋
出处 《心理学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期688-696,共9页 Acta Psychologica Sinica
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20050028002) 北京市教委人文社会科学研究计划重点项目(SZ200610028006) 北京市哲学社会科学"十一五"规划项目 北京市教育科学"十一五"规划课题(AFA06097) 海南师范大学青年教师资助项目(HSQN0624) 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(05JJDXLX001)的资助
关键词 青少年 病理性互联网使用 青少年病理性互联网使用量表. Adolescent, pathological interact use, Adolescent Pathological Internet Use Scale.
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