
高压对从梨渣中提取酚类物质影响的研究 被引量:7

Study on Effects of High Pressure on Extraction of Polyphenols from Apple Residue
摘要 考察高压对乙醇溶液提取梨渣中酚类物质的影响。结果表明,乙醇浓度70%(V/V)比较适宜。随着处理压力的增大,酚类物质的得率逐渐升高(400MPa除外),且在500MPa以前得率提高的幅度较大,压力到达600MPa以上后得率增幅不大。随着提取时间的延长,酚类得率先升后降,提取时间以10min为宜。酚类物质的得率先随温度升高而增大,到50℃达到最高,随后又下降。高压对乙醇溶液提取梨渣中酚类物质有显著的促进作用。 The effects of high pressure on the extracting of polyphenols from pear residue by alcohol solution were studied. The optimum concentration of alcohol is 70% (V/V). The extracting rate increased with the increasing of pressure and the extracting rate increased acutely before 500 MPa but increased slowly above 600 MPa(besides 400 MPa). The extracting rate increased with extracting time prolonging, and then decreased and the optimum extracting time was 10 min. The extracting rate increased with increasing of temperature, and then decreased and the optimum extracting temperature 50℃. The extracting rate of polyphenols by alcohol solution from the pear residue can be improved notably by high pressure.
出处 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期208-211,共4页 Food Science
关键词 梨渣 酚类物质 提取 高压 pear residue polyphenols extraction high pressure
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