

Standardization is the Key Point in the Industry Development
摘要 在国家商务部的支持下,由中国调味品协会牵头,全国各主要生产企业积极参与工作,三项新的调味品国内贸易行业标准——《鸡粉调味料》、《调味料酒》、《酱油中乙酰丙酸的测定方法》于2007年1月25日正式发布,并于2007年7月1日起在全国正式实施。此三项新标准,对于规范和指导鸡粉调味料、调味料酒、酿造酱油的生产、净化市场和引导消费有着重要意义。 Lack of standards is cunently confining condiment industry devel- opment in China.The condiment industry is featured with fast develop- ment and various products,but the standardized products are very rare. Nowadays,soy sauce,vinegar and monosodium glutamate have com- pulsory state criteria.Chicken essence and pickles products have industrial standards.But some new seasoning products,such as beef essence,have not regulated due to lack of standards,and even sanitation standard.With the support of The Ministry of Commerce of China, China Condiment Industrial Association leads the primary enterprises to take concerted efforts.Consequently,three new standards'Chicken Essence''Rice Wine flavorings'and'Detecting Method of Acetylpropionic Acid in Soy Sauce'were issued on 25th Jan.2007 and implemented from 1st,July 2007.These three new standards play an important part in guiding the production of chicken essence,rice wine and soy sauce,regulating the market and educating consumers. The president of China Condiment Industrial Association pointed out standardization is an important work of the association.'Five- year Plan to Standardization of China Condiment Industry' was issued this year.The plan includes a state standard 'Classification of condiments' that has been approved and is about to be implemented from 1^(st)Sep.2007.In the past,enterprises usually lacked of awareness of standards,but nowadays,increasingly companies participate in establishment and modification of criteria.Therefore,we hope that the enterprises delegates could propose suggestions based on their status to pave the way to establishment of new standards in the future.
作者 李旻怡
出处 《中国食品工业》 2007年第7期8-9,共2页 China Food Industry








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