'Kosher'in Hebrew,means fit or proper,and is generally used to describe foods that are prepared in accordance with special Jewish dietary laws.THE OU EMBLEM is the registered trademark of the Kashruth Division of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America-The Orthodox Union.It may be used only by authority of the Orthodox Union Kashruth Division.Products are endorsed as Kosher only when bearing the OU emblem on the label.Consumers are directed to check the ingredient panel of products on a regular basis for changes in the pareve/dairy status that may occur as a result of reformulation.The source of all Kosher dietary laws is the Bible,in the Five Books of Moses(the Pentateuch).The Bible details,which forms of meat,fowl,fish and insects are not Kosher.In addition,Jewish scholars have studied,interpreted and applied Kosher law for many centuries.Thousands of volumes have been written about this topic. Many of these books date back as far as two thousands years ago.This vast array of Biblical and Rabbinic literature comprises the body of Kosher law.
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