

Textual research on three books of materia medica
摘要 考证现存重要本草著作《神农本草经》、《重修政和经史证类备用本草》、《本草纲目》三书之著者、成书年代、版本及内容所及等问题。可知《神农本草经》非出于一人一时之手,最终成编疑在后汉末期;蒙古定宗钦淑皇后元年平阳府张存惠晦明轩刊印之《重修政和经史证类备用本草》一书,为今存宋本草中之最佳本;明万历年间金陵版《本草纲目》,较好地保存了李时珍著本的原貌,当为诸刊本之祖本。 According to the textual research on the authors, compiling dates, versions and contents of Shen nong ben cao jing (Shennong's Classic of gateria gedica ) , Chong xiu zheng he jing shi zheng lei bei yong ben cao ( A Revised Classified gateria gedica from Historical Classics for Emergency in the Zhenghe Reign) and Ben cao gang mu (Compendium of gateria gedica ) , the following points can be concluded: Shen nong ben cao jing was not complied by just one person in a time, and the time of compilation is speculated at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty ; the edition of Chong xiu zheng he jing shi zheng lei bei yong ben cao blockprinted by Zhang Cun-huig Huimingxuan of Pingyang Prefecture in the first year of Qinshu Queen of Dingzong emperor of Mongolia (1249) was the best extant edition among the materia medica of the Song Dynasty; and the Jinling edition of Ben cao gang mu during the Wanli Period of the Ming Dynasty preserved rather satisfactorily the original contents of Li Shi-zhen's book, and become the master edition of the Qing versions.
作者 张灿玾
机构地区 山东中医药大学
出处 《中华医史杂志》 CAS 2007年第3期165-167,共3页 Chinese Journal of Medical History
关键词 《神农本草经》 《重修政和经史证类备用本草》 《本草纲目》 成书年代 版本 Shen nong ben cao ring (Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica) Chong xiu zheng hering shi zheng lei bei yong ben cao ( A Revised Classified Materia Medica from Historical Classics for emergencyin the Zhenghe Reign) Ben cao gang mu (Compendium of Materia Medica) Compiling date Edition
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  • 1隋书·经籍志.排印本.北京:中华书局,1973.








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