
社会地位对宏观经济变量的动态影响——基于两部门搜索均衡模型的研究 被引量:2

The Dynamic Effect of the Social Status on Macroeconomic Variables
摘要 本文将失业理论的搜索模型与社会地位结合起来考察社会地位的动态影响。研究发现社会地位引入效用函数等价于代表性家庭时间偏好率的降低,利用对数效用函数,得到经济系统均衡状态存在的唯一性。在均衡状态下,更强的社会地位意识意味着更高的储蓄率和资本积累,以及提供更多的社会空闲职位、更高的工资、更高的就业率、更为宽松的劳动力市场和更低的利率。 This paper integrates the search model of unemployment into the in- ter-temporal framework with the social status and examines the dynamic effects of the social status. It can be demonstrated that introduction of the social status corresponds to decrease of time preference rate of the representative household. For the logarithmic utility function of separate form on consumption and capital stocks, the existence and uniqueness of the steady state is shown, in which the stronger the social status means the higher saving rate, the more capital accumulation, the more vacant positions, the higher wage, the higher employment rate, the looser labor market and the less interest rate.
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第8期109-118,共10页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
关键词 搜索理论 社会地位 匹配 讨价还价能力 Search Social Status Matching Bargaining Power
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