At present studies,the emergency prevention measures of Duck plague and Duck Cholera were covered Results showed 1)Polybasic yolk antibodies Duck Plague and Cholera pathogens have 100%(8/8)resistance for the antitacking of F 33 100 LD 50 and C 48-1 (8 3)5 to 6 hrs after antitacked with F 33 100 LD 50 and 8 3C 48-1 ,Ducks injected (4 times dilute)yolk antibody have 100%(6/6)defense rate 2)Immuned with Duck Plague vaccines 1to 5 times for 5 6hrs the ducks have no resistance for attacking of 100 LD 50 F 33 Injected with G 190 Е 40 vaccines 3ds,the ducks got 50%(3/6)defense rate for attacking 100 LD 50 F 33 ,and 7ds,got 83 3%(5/6).Whereas Pasteurella Mulitocida Vaccines A was immuned to duck 6ds, 66 7% defense rate was got to C 48-1 attacking,G 190 E 40 Vaccines was injected to duck,33 3%(2/6)defense rate would be got to C 48-1 antitacking in 3ds and 83 3% in 7ds,respectiving 3)Yolk and serum antibodies to Pasteurella Multocida have obviously inhabited the growth of Pasteurella Mulitocida and 4)5 kinds of antibodies have highly susceptible(17 41mm)to Pasteurella Mulitocida