
白介素6的信号转导及其相关疾病的治疗策略 被引量:2

Interleukin 6 Signal Transduction and the Strategiesin Treatment forIL-6-related Dis eases.
摘要 IL 6是一种多功能的细胞因子 ,同时IL 6的过度表达与一些疾病的发生和发展有密切关系 .IL 6通过一个双链受体系统作用于靶细胞 .实验结果表明 ,IL 6与 80ku的配基结合链IL 6R和信号转导子 gp1 30构成一个相互作用的异六聚体模式 ,通过 gp1 30的二聚体化引发胞内的信号转导 .IL 6胞内的信号转导途径有两种 :Jak STATs路径和Ras MAPK级联反应路径 .靶向IL 6信号转导的药物设计和筛选研究将为IL Interleukin 6isamultiplefunction cytokine,playinganimportantroleinmodulat ingimmuneresponse ,hematopoeisis,acute phasereactionandsoon .Ontheotherhand , over expressionofIL 6relatestothepathogene sisanddevelopmentofmanykindsofdiseases. IL 6exertsitseffectonthetargetcellthrougha two chainreceptorsystem ,oneistheligand bindingchain (IL 6R)andtheotheristhesig naltransducergp1 30 .IL 6 ,IL 6Randgp1 30 interactthroughaheterohaxmermodule, sequentially triggersthesignaltransduction withinthecell.Thereexisttwosignaltransduc tion pathways:Jak STATs pathwayandRas MAPKcascade pathway.Anyfactorthatcan blockorinterferewiththesignaltransductionof IL 6willbeaconsiderablestrategyintreatment forIL 6relateddiseases.Thesestrategies includegrowthfactors,monoclonalantibodies, antagonists,antisense geneandsoon .The studyonthepharmaceuticaldesignandselection targetingtosignaltransductionofIL 6willpro motethetreatmentforIL 6 relateddiseases. Thetwo chainreceptorsystemofIL 6andits signaltransductionhavebeenreviewed ,andthe strategiesintreatmentforIL 6 relateddiseases havebeenelucidated .
出处 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期13-18,共6页 Progress In Biochemistry and Biophysics
关键词 白细胞介素6 信号转导 药源性疾病 interleukin 6 ,signaltrans duction , IL 6 related diseases
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