
SPR生物传感器在乳品工业中的应用 被引量:2

Applications of SPR biosensor in dairy industry
摘要 介绍了SPR的概念和SPR生物传感器基本原理,并从监测乳牛发情,检测乳品抗生素残留,检测乳品脂肪含量,检测乳品微生物污染和检测乳品掺假成分这5个方面综述SPR生物传感器在乳品工业中的应用及发展前景。 The article introduced the conception of SPR and the basic principle of SPR biosensor, the application and prospect of SPR biosensot in dairy industry are reviewed in five aspects of monitoring the empathema of dairy cows, detecting the residual of antibiotic, the content of fat in the milk, the contamination of dairy microorganism and the content of dairy sophistication.
出处 《中国乳品工业》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第7期37-39,共3页 China Dairy Industry
关键词 SPR 生物传感器 乳品工业 SPIL biosensor dairy industry
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