
欲望世界与悲悯情怀:男权视域中的《金瓶梅》 被引量:2

Study on the World of Desire and Sympathetic Sentiment in Jin Ping Mei from the Male Power Vision
摘要 人类的宗教情怀与宗教情感毕竟是与生俱之不可泯灭的,在一个缺失本真宗教或宗教精神被边缘化的文化生态空间,神圣信仰暨终极关怀的永恒失语加之宗教情感的依稀尚存,最终演变出兰陵笑笑生对光怪陆离现世生象色空幻灭之悲凉感喟,对良知正义之拷问沉思,乃至对彼岸世界之仰望浩叹:《金瓶梅》——这部朴拙恢弘,气韵浑厚,大音稀声,大象无形的中国十六世纪风俗长卷,在明季欲望世界糜烂堕落的文本描绘中,同时为我们展现和抒写了作者悲天悯人的宗教情怀。对这一客观现象作出切中肯綮的剖析,不仅使我们透彻洞悉了兰陵笑笑生灵魂救赎之心灵悸动,更使我们对于《金瓶梅》之深层驱动与创作)中动,审美趣味和文本风格,价值取向及美学追求,直至人生悲剧顿悟旨趣,获得了精辟入里的全新观照与阐释。 Man's religious sentiment and emotion are something developed since birth until death. In a cultural ecological space where the original religion is absent or marginalized and will never perish , in a place where the holy faith has permanently faded and there is only slight religious sentiment left, Lan Ling Xiao Xiao Sheng eventu- ally pours out his melancholy emotion, his interrogation and reflection of conscience and justice, and even his fore- seeing and signing of another world. Jin Ping Met, the magnificent novel of China in the 16th century, doesnt just give a description of the corrupt world of desires in late Ming Dynasty , but it is also an expression of the author's sympathetic religious sentiment. To make a sincere and incisive probe into this subject isnt just helpful for us to un- derstand Lan Liang Xiao Xiao Sheng~ disturbance of spiritual redemption, but also helpful for us to understand the author's deep motives in writing Jin Ping Met. This study can help us further appreciate the aesthetic inclination, textural style, value inclination and aesthetic pursuit contained in the novel.
作者 谭楚子 TAN Chu - zi ( Library of Xuzhou, Xuzhou 221008, China )
机构地区 徐州图书馆
出处 《徐州工程学院学报》 2007年第7期56-59,共4页 Journal of Xuzhou Istitute of Technology
关键词 《金瓶梅》 男权视域 欲望 悲天悯人 彼岸世界仰望 人生悲剧顿悟 Jin Ping Met male power vision desire sympathetic sentiment signing over another world life tragedy realization
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  • 1(捷克)米兰·昆德拉原著,周洁平翻译.生命中不能承受之轻[M]. 九州出版社, 2001
  • 2[明]兰陵笑笑生著,陶慕宁校注.金瓶梅词话[M]. 人民文学出版社, 2000
  • 3马克思 著,刘丕坤 译.1844年经济学-哲学手稿[M]. 人民出版社, 1979









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