

Effect on pregnancy rate of intrauterine insemination with male infertility
摘要 目的探讨影响男性因素宫腔内人工授精(IUI)治疗成功的部分因素。方法收集我院2005年6月至2006年6月期间因男方因素行人工授精治疗的病例资料92例,共133周期,妊娠26周期,为妊娠组,余107周期为非妊娠组。比较两组男女年龄、卵泡数、内膜厚度、处理后精子质量的差异。结果妊娠组妇女年龄较非妊娠组年轻。两组之间卵泡数、处理后精子质量的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。两组之间男方年龄、内膜厚度的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论女方年龄、卵泡数、处理后精子质量影响男性因素IUI治疗的妊娠率。 Objective To study the relative factors affecting the pregnancy rate of intrauterine insemination(IUI) with infertility caused by men. Methods Ninty - two infertility couples caused by men underwent 133 cycles IUI in our hospital from June 2005 to June 2006. Twenty -six cycles were pregnant group,and 107 cycles were nonpregnant group. The womens age,the mens age, the number of follicle, endometrial thickness, the density and motility of sperm after being conducted were compared between two groups. Results The womens age of pregnant group were younger than that of nonpregnant group, the number of follicle and the density and motility of sperm after being conducted were significantly different between two groups ( P 〈0. 05 ). There was no significant difference between two groups in the mens age and endometrial thickness. Conclusion The age of females,the number of follicle and the density and motility of sperm after being conducted can affect the pregnancy rate of IUI with infertility caused by men.
作者 何茜冬
出处 《中原医刊》 2007年第14期22-23,共2页 Central Plains Medical Journal
关键词 宫腔内人工授精 男性不育 Intrauterine insemination Male infertility
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