
汕头地区农村人群软组织风湿病流行病学调查 被引量:1

A rural population survey of soft tissue rheumatic pain in Shantou,China
摘要 目的了解汕头地区农村人群软组织风湿病(STR)的流行情况,探讨STR的相关危险因素。方法流行病学调查采用亚太地区风湿病学会联合会(APLAR)社区控制风湿病规划(COPCORD)委员会的《软组织风湿病调查表》(草案),按COPCORD程序对汕头市澄海区某乡2 350名16岁以上居民进行调查。采用Logis-tic回归分析,观察年龄、性别、体重指数、腰臀比、职业等因素对STR的影响。结果STR患病率为5.74%,男女患病率分别为3.50%及7.88%;校正后患病率分别为男3.39%,女6.82%,总患病率为5.22%。患病率随年龄增加呈升高趋势。肱骨外上髁炎、回旋肌套腱炎、跖痛症、指屈肌腱鞘炎、足底筋膜炎为常见的STR,患病率分别为0.98%,0.89%,0.72%,0.68%,0.68%;仅发现2例纤维肌痛综合征。Logistic回归分析显示,年龄、性别、职业(手工劳动者)是STR的相关危险因素。结论汕头地区农村人群STR常见,但纤维肌痛综合征少见。年龄、性别、职业可能是STR的危险因素。 Objective To assess the prevalence of soft tissue rheumatism (STR) in the adult general population of Shantou rural area, southern China. Methods A total of 2 350 subjects ( 1 144 men, 1206 women) aged ≥16 years in a village of Chenghai Distric, Shantou area, were surveyed. Modified COP(X)RD core questionnaire was implemented. Significant variables such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and occupation et al, were included in logistic regression model for further analysis. Results Prevalence rate of STR in this rural population was 5.74 %, and the prevalence in women and in men were 7.88 % and 3.50 % respectively, with a tendency of being increased with age. Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), rotator cuff (shoulder) tendinitis, metatarsalgia, digital flexor tenosynovitis, and plantar fasciitis were the commonly seen STR, with a prevalence of 0.98%, 0.89%, 0.72%, 0.68% and 0.68% respectively. Fibromyalgia is rare, and only 2 cases were found. Logistic regression analysis showed a significant positive association of age, female sex and occupation with STR. Conclusion In Shantou rural area, STR is a common condition in the population, and fibromyalgia was seldom seen. Aging, female sex and occupation might be the associated risk factors of STR.
出处 《山西医药杂志》 CAS 2007年第8期678-680,共3页 Shanxi Medical Journal
基金 广东省科技发展计划基金资助项目(2004B33701014)
关键词 软组织风湿病 纤维肌痛综合征 流行病学 危险因素 Soft tissue rheumatism Fibromyalgia Epiderniology Risk factors
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