
土壤墒情(旱情)监测与预测预报系统的设计与开发 被引量:34

Design and development of a soil moisture content monitoring and forecasting system
摘要 以组件式GIS软件为开发平台,建立了北京地区土壤墒情监测与预测预报系统。该系统包括土壤墒情信息采集、土壤墒情站信息管理、土壤墒情空间分布显示、土壤墒情监测、土壤墒情预报及土壤墒情信息输出等功能模块,可对土壤墒情进行实时监测,做出土壤墒情分布图、等值面图等,直观反映北京地区土壤墒情趋势。同时,系统还可利用增退墒模型、人工神经网络模型和时间序列模型进行土壤墒情预测和预报。现该系统已有38个墒情固定站和120个墒情巡测站,并已投入使用。实际应用结果表明,该系统解决了目前墒情固定站投资过高且数量不足的问题,能够满足北京市土壤墒情预测预报要求,可为北京地区防旱、抗旱提供可靠的科学依据。 Based on GIS software development technique, a soil moisture content monitoring and forecasting system for Beijing area was designed. The system has many functions, such as soil moisture collection, soil moisture sites supervision, soil moisture content monitoring and forecasting, soil moisture content information output and so on. By using this system the soil moisture content in Beijing can be monitored and the distribution map and the isoline chart of soil moisture content can be plotted in time. At the same time, three forecasting models including a soil moisture increasing and decreasing model, a time series model and an artificial neural network model were used to predict soil moisture content. One hundred and twenty mobile soil moisture sites and thirty three immobile soil moisture sites have been set up and begin to work, which show that the system will decrease the investment, enhance forecasting veracity and provide reliable and scientific foundation against drought in Beijing.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期75-79,共5页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划资助项目(2002AA2Z4071) 集美大学科研基金资助项目(C60644)
关键词 墒情监测 预测预报 土壤墒情 旱情 soil moisture content monitor forecast soil moisture content drought
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