objective:To study an ioophoretic method in order to enhance the transdermal absorption of ibuprofen.Method:A best prescription of ibuprofen transdermal solution was prepared and its stabilty was Studied. A portable ionPhoretic apparatus was designed and developed. Using this apparatus, transdermal absorption of ibuprofen was observed in rabbits.Results:In rabbits the pharmacokinetic parameters of ibuprofen trasdermal solution were: k =0. 4206h-1, t = 1. 894h, Ka = 2. 2648h-1, t(a) = 0. 365h, tp= 1 .041h, Cm = 32. 41μg/ml, AUC = 120. 06mg h/LConclusion:The transdermal ionphoretic ibuprofen delivery system could replace traditional 'per os'mode as administration dosage form, this delivery system could not cause side effect of ibuprofen.
Tianjin Pharmacy