

Research and implementation of semantic-based information retrieval platform
摘要 随着信息化建设的深入发展,应用系统积累的数据和信息资源越来越多。如何在不影响现有应用系统的配置和管理模式下,针对大量的分散和异构的应用,为用户提供快速准确的信息获取服务,已经成为一个亟待解决的问题。为此,提出了基于语义的信息获取服务平台,通过引入基于语义的全局数据视图对文档加以快速索引,并对索引进行切分和备份,同时采用针对性的相关性排序算法,为用户提供更好的信息获取服务。 Applications accumulate more and more data with the development of informatization. Usually, these applications are separated from each other and use different data structures. How to retrieve information from these applications without changing current configuration and management has become an urgent problem. A semantic-based information retrieval platform is proposed. By using a global semantic-based data view, index quickly and partition the index uniformly on different servers. At the same time, we import a relevant ranking sorting algorithm to provide a better information retrieval service for end users.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第14期3476-3479,3510,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 语义 信息获取 搜索引擎 异构 相关性排序 semantic information retrieval search engine isomerous relevant ranking sort
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