Objective:To explore microvascular shape and distribution in the prothorax keloid.Method:Immunohistochemical method of CD34,HE was used for microvessel straining on the routinely paraffin-embedded sections of specimens of keloids,normal skin to observe the number,distribution and diameter of microvessel.Results:The microvessel net were fine in the normal skin tissue,the microvessel of reticular layer were distributed regularly.There were three microvessel net including papillar layer,superficial reticular layer and deep reticular layer in the keloids.The microvessel were more and larger in the all three layers in the invasive regions of keloids and in the papillar layer,deep reticular layer in the senile regions of keloid than in the normal skin,but in the superficial reticular layer in the senile regions of keloid the microvessel were larger and less.In the papillar layer,deep reticular layer of senile regions,the density and diameter were the same as invasive regions;the microvessel was significantly less in the superficial reticular layer in the senile regions of keloid than in the invasive regions of keloid tissues,but the diameters had no change.The number in the superficial reticular layer was less than in the papillar layer,deep reticular layer in the same group.Conclusion:There are marked distortion in the number,diameter and distribution of microvessel in the prothorax keloids.
Chinese Journal of Microcirculation