In consideration of the poor geological condition of Shuibuya Hydroelectric Power Station, the high difficulty in construction caused by lower site of construction which was located below the normal water level of Qingjiang River, the complex construction technology, the short time limit of the project, and especially the stratified construction from bottom to top in scour prevention wall excavation and the wide vertical shaft construction scheme adopted for deep overburden layers, a series of construction methods and technical measures of cavern excavation were proposed, which were suitable for deep underground, complex geological condition and abundant groundwater where advanced mechanical equipment could not be used. The measures are as follows: for the rock stratum with better geological condition, the construction height of each layer of the scour prevention wall could be enhanced properly ; for the rock stratum with worse geological condition, the construction height of each layer of the scour prevention wall should be reduced, and the structural support is provided; the wide vertical shaft should be adopted when the overburden layer is relatively thick. Practice shows that the construction scheme is feasible.
Advances in Science and Technology of Water Resources
scour prevention wall
cavern excavation
Shuibuya Hydro Project