Objective To investigate the influence of the visibility of Microendoscpic(MED) operation on postoperation effect . Methods Sixty patients including 45 cases of man, 15 cases of women, with the average of 35.8 years old received single segmental MED operation and were separated as experiment group (30 cases) and control group (30 cases) randomly. In experiment group, the patients watch the whole operation process and received the explanation of the treatment from their doctors. In control group, they were not allowed watching and were just simply informed that the operation was successful. Nakai evaluation was employed to determine the operation effect. Operation acknowledgment index, confidence index, and satisfaction index were introduced to compare the postoperation effect according to the patients' understanding about their operation, their acknowledgment and confidence. Results The excellent an good rate in half a year raised obviously compared with 1 month postoperation with Nakai evaluation. The patients in experiment group showed clear increase in the acknowledgment and trust of the operation compared with the control group. Conclusion MED operation has no obvious influence on clinical effect, but it has the advantage of visibility which is much significant in strengthening patients' confidence and trust in their surgeons, and dispelling apprehension through the acknowledgment of operation process.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science