Deng Xiaoping observantly grasped the historical opportunity that China has millions of overseas Chinese in capitalist countries, pointed out that the overseas Chinese bring unique opportunity to China's modernization, considered them as the initiating force to China's opening up to the outside world. He chose the hometown of overseas Chinese as the pioneer of opening-up and launched a large campaign in Guangdong and Fujian provinces, the two hometowns with a large number of overseas Chinese. The mode with culture as the tie has created a unique mode to realize and go beyond modernization in a non-western and post-developing country and displayed the unique significance of overseas forces in the process of China's modernization. At the same time, the mode has restructured the Sino-Western relation, which is neither occidental nor oriental, but a new win-win international relation grown in the course of mutual dependence and universal communication.
Studies on Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping Theories