Based on HSV( hue, saturation, and value) color space, it proposes a watermarking algorithm for color images. The digital watermark using the color image is embeded in the original color image. According to the characters of HSV color space, and using a different color space, a RGB image is processed by first converting it to an HSV image. And then transform the watermarking images of H plane, S plane and V plane while using DCT by 8 * 8 blocks. Keep DCT coefficients in the top left comer of every block and replace other coefficients with zeros in order to reform new matrix with fewer effective coefficients. Then, convert the original color image to an HSV image. Embed watermarking image in intermediate and low frequency of coefficients DCT after transforming the H, S and V planes using DCT by 8 * 8 blocks. Then a new watermarked image forms through the inverse DCT transform. At last,convert it back to RGB color space. Watermarking image is smaller than the original image,and the robustness is enhanced using redundant embedding technique.
Computer Applications and Software