
分布式发电系统的不平衡三相潮流计算 被引量:102

Unbalanced three-phase power flow calculation for distributed power generation system
摘要 传统的配电网潮流算法已不能满足未来分布式发电系统的需求。对常见的各种分布式电源的节点类型进行了划分,归结为P恒定、U恒定的PV节点;P恒定、电流幅值I恒定的PI节点;P恒定,U不定,Q受P、U限定的P-Q(V)节点。分别针对这些节点类型的各自特点,提出了在潮流计算中的处理方法,其本质是在各迭代步将各类节点转换成为传统方法能够处理的PQ节点或PV节点。在此基础上,提出了基于牛顿法的能够处理各种分布式电源的配电网三相潮流计算方法。采用6母线系统和292母线系统2个算例系统进行了测试,并详细给出了6母线系统的计算结果。算例结果证明所提算法具有良好的收敛性能,潮流计算时间和迭代次数相对于不含分布式电源的系统没有明显增大。 Traditional distribution power flow algorithms can not meet the requirements of DG (Distributed Generation) system. Different distributed generators are classified into three types: PV node with constant P and U, PI node with constant P andI,and P-Q(V) node with constant P, inconstant U and Q determined by P and U,for which different processing methods are proposed according to their properties in power flow calculation. All kinds of nodes are transformed into PQ or PV node, which can be treated by traditional power flow methods during iteration. A three- phase power flow calculation method considering all kinds of DG is thus proposed based on Newton algorithm. The 6- bus and 292- bus test systems are taken as calculation examples and the detailed calculative results of the 6- bus test system are given,which show its good convergence,while its computation time and iteration number are not obviously bigger than those of general power systems.
出处 《电力自动化设备》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期11-15,共5页 Electric Power Automation Equipment
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50477035) 教育部科学技术研究重大项目(306004)~~
关键词 分布式发电 三相潮流 配电网 牛顿法 distributed generation three- phase power flow distribution, network Newton algorithm
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