目的:研究乙肝疫苗免疫应答与人HLA DRB1*07、DRB1*04、DRB1*1001、DQB1*0401的相关性。方法:浙江宁波汉族人群常规程序注射乙肝疫苗后,采其外周静脉血检测乙肝表面抗体,根据检测结果分为2组:乙肝免疫应答阳性组(抗-HBs D值≥0.1.n=120)和乙肝免疫应答阴性组(抗-HBs D值<0.1,n=120)。采用聚合酶链反应-序列特异性引物法(PCR-SSP)检测其HLA DRB1*07、DRB1*04、DRB1*1001、DQB1*0401基因分布及频率。结果:两组观察对象性别、年龄差异均无统计学意义,具有可比性。免疫应答阴性组HLA-DRB1*07基因频率明显高于阳性组,免疫失败与DRB1*07呈强关联(OR=0.45,P<0.05),HLA DRB1*04、DRB1*1001、DQB1*0401基因频率在两组研究对象中差异均无统计学意义。结论:浙江宁波地区汉族人群接种乙肝疫苗免疫失败与HLA-DR抗厚有关,HLA-DRB1*07可能为免疫失败的易感基因。
Objective:To study the correlation between responses to Hepatitis B and HLA DRB1 * 07 DRB1* 04 DRB1* 1001, DQB1 * 0401 genes in Han population in Ningbo. Methods: A total of 240 Han people living in Ningbo received the routine vaccination of recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. The serum levels of anti-HBs antibody were examined and the subjects were divided into 2 groups according to the results: negative responses group (n = 120, anti-HBs D〈 0.1) and positive response group (n = 120, anti-HBs D≥0.1). The distribution and frequency of DRB1 * 07, DRB1 * 04 , DRB1 * 1001 ,DQB1 *0401 genes alleles were determined with PCR using sequence-specific primers (PCR-SSP). Results.. The sex and age were compatible between the 2 groups. The frequency of DRB1 * 07 in negative response group was significantly higher than that in positive response group (20.3% vs 10.3% ,P〈0 05) ; the failure of vaccination was correlated with DRB1 *07 (OR=0.45,P〈0.05). The frequencies of HLA- DRB1 *04 DRB1 * 1001 ,DQB1 0401 showed no obvious difference between the 2 groups. Conclusion: Failure or deficiency response to HBV vaccine in the Han people in Ningbo is associated with the HLA-DR antigen; HLA- DRB1 * 07 might be a susceptible gene for failure of HBV vaccination.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University