
科学家影响关系网络与科学家的影响力 被引量:2

Scientists Relation Networks and Scientists Influences
摘要 基于复杂网络理论分析了科学家影响力问题。根据科学家之间存在的影响关系:相互合作、论文引文、致谢等关系,建立了科学家之间影响关系网络,该网络是一个具有不同权重的有向网络,生成的系统网络矩阵是一个对角线元素为0的非对称矩阵。通过分析节点之间的相互影响,得到了一个衡量科学家影响力的算法模型。最后实例分析说明了算法模型的应用过程,根据研究结果对如何提高科学家个人影响力问题提出了一些有效的方法和措施。 Based on the theories of the complex networks and the technologies of the network searches, we study the influences of the different scientists in correlation domain. In one research field, many effects in different scientists are used to construct network, such as the cooperation relations (the authors in one paper), the citation relations (whose paper is cited) and the discussions each other (acknowledgements or letter) so on. This network is a directed network with different weights, and the matrix corresponding to networks is an asymmetry matrix with diagonal elements O. By analyzing the influences between the line nodes, an algorithm is presented to measure the influences of the scientists. Finally, an example is used to validate this algorithm.
出处 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》 EI CSCD 2007年第2期45-49,共5页 Complex Systems and Complexity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(60574007) 山东省教育厅科技计划基金(J06G03) 鲁东大学校基金(22320301 教改Z0704)
关键词 复杂网络 科学家影响力 影响关系网络 非对称矩阵 complex networks scientists influences effect relation network asymmetry matrix
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