本实验对中华大蟾蜍(Bufo bufo gargarizans)脊髓灰质神经细胞构筑、脊髓节段与椎骨的对应关系、脊神经出椎管的部位等进行了初步研究.方法:动物麻醉致死,灌流固定,解剖观察,冰冻切片,中性红染色,光镜观察.结果:①脊髓灰质腹角由大、中、小三种多突起神经元构成.其神经元胞体的直径分别为20μm、11μm和8μm左右;不同脊髓节段中腹角的神经元构成数量和类型不同.脊髓灰质的背角神经元胞体直径多在8μm左右;不同脊髓节段的背角神经元构成在形态和数量上也不同.在2~6脊髓节段偶见中间带神经元,其胞体直径在7μm左右.②对脊髓节段的长度、脊髓节段与椎骨的对应关系、脊神经出椎管的部位及形态、脊神经的背根和腹根的粗细进行了观察.结论:中华大蟾蜍脊神经形态和脊髓灰质神经细胞构筑与其功能密切相关.
In order to know the neurone architecture of spinal and the position on the vertebra where the spinal nerve is sent out, we did this experiment. There were three kinds of neurone in the ventral horn of gray matter. The diameter of the larger neurone was about 20μm, the media was about 11μm, and the small was about 8μm. The kind and the quantity of the neurone are different in spinal ventral horn of different spinal segment. The diameter of the neurone was about 8μm in dorsal hom. The dorsal horn of different spinal segment composed of different quantity of neurone. The diameter of the neurone was about 7μm in the intermediate zone. A little neurone of intermediate zone barely was observed from the second to sixth spinal segment of spinal cord. We observed the lengths of the spinal segment of the spinal cord, the spinal nerve' s shape and the connection the spinal segment of spinal cord and the vertebrae, and thickness of the dorsal root and the ventral root of the spinal nerve. The form of spinal nerve and neurone architecture were connected with the function.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Natural Science)
Bufo bufo gargarizarts
spinal segments of spinal cord
spinal gray matter
neurone architecture