目的研究广州地区汉族类风湿性关节炎患者TNF-β基因第一内含子+252等位基因的单核苷酸替代(G→A)产生的基因多态性,是否与类风湿性关节炎发病的易感性相关。方法用限制性片段长度多态性-聚合酶链反应(polymerase chain reaction with restriction fragment length polymorphism,PCR-RFLP)技术鉴定120例类风湿性关节炎患者和120例健康对照的基因及基因型,计算其频率,用卡方检验统计显著性。结果TNF-β^+252A等位基因在RA患者组出现的频率明显高于对照组(x^2=57.7,P〈0.01,OR=4.476,95%CI:3.009~6.658);RA患者组的TNF—β^+252G/TNF—β^+252A基因型和TNF—β^+252A/TNF—β^+252A基因型的频率比对照组显著增高(x^2=52.97,P〈0.01)。结论TNF—β^+252A等位基因与广东地区汉族人群RA发病强相关,可能是RA的易感基因。具有TNF-β^+252G等位基因人群的RA发病率低,该基因可能与RA的耐受性有关。
Objective To explore that if the first intron of tumor necrosis factor β^+252 lous single nucleotide polymorphism (G→A) has any association to the susceptibility of rheumatoid arthritis . Method PCR-RELP is used to identify the gene and genetype of 120 rheumatoid arthritis patients and 120 normal controls and calculate the frequencies. Chi-squared test is used to identified the significance. Results The frequency of TNF- β^+252A is higher in the patients than in nomal controls. (x^2= 57.7, P〈 0.01, OR = 4.476, 95% CI: 3.009~6.658). The frequencies of genetype TNF-β^+252G / TNF-β^+252A and genetype TNF- β^+252A / TNF- β^+252A are higher in RA patients than in nomal controls. ( x^2=52.97, P〈0.01) Conclusions TNF-β^+252A is closely relate to the morbidity of RA, maybe the predisposing gene of RA;While the TNF- β^+252G has lowerer morbidity, maybe relate to toleration of RA.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News