5参见(美)毛思迪:《中国新霸权》,李威仪译,台北立绪文化事业有限公司2001年6月版;(美)理·伯恩斯坦、罗斯·芒罗:《即将到来的美中冲突》,新华出版社1997年版;Samuel P.Huntington:《The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order》, Simon & Schuster Publishing Company, 1998 Edition.
6参见 "Red Chinese Military Threat", http:∥www.conservativeusa. org/redchina- missile. htm; 同时参见 Howard Phillips Issues & Strategy Bulletin of May 15, 2005
7参见 Sonia Shah: "The New Yellow Peril", http:∥www. asianguy. com/articles/americanness. html; John O' Sullivan:"A Yellow Peril? No: Excesses of the new anti-China lobby", http:∥www. findarticles. com/p/articles/mi_mi282/is_8 _52/ai_61591336; 还可参见 http:∥www. webnetarts.com/ socialjustice / chinarchv. html