
低功耗满幅恒跨导CMOS运算放大器设计 被引量:3

A Low-Power CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Constant-Gm Operational Amplifier
摘要 采用"最小电流选择技术"和前馈无截止型AB类输出结构,在Chartered 0.35μmCMOS工艺下设计了一种基于片上系统应用的低功耗、高增益恒跨导满幅运算放大器。基于Bsim3v3 Spice模型,用Hspice对整个电路进行仿真,工作电压为3V,直流开环增益125dB,相位裕量74.8°,单位增益带宽33.8MHz,静态功耗0.6mV,压摆率6V/μs,输入级跨导在共模输入电压范围内只有2.34%的变化,运放版图有效面积0.026mm2,与国内外文献介绍的满幅恒跨导电路相比,文中设计的运放有较好的性能。 This paper presents a two-stage, compact, power efficient 3V CMOS operational amplifier with rail-to-rail input and output ranges. A technique which uses current-mode circuits is based on processing signal currents to achieve a constant transconductance (within 2.34% of maximum variation). A floating current source biases the combined summing circuit and the class-AB control. This current source has the same structure as the class-AB control which provides a power-supply-independent quiescent current. Using the compact architecture, a 33.8MHz amplifier with cascade Miller compensation for a power consumption of 590μW has been realized. The Op Amp has a bandwidth-to-supply power ratio of 55MHz/mW for a capacitive load of 5pF. Because of its small die area of 0.026mm^2, it is very suitable as a SOC library cell.
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期102-105,共4页 Microelectronics & Computer
关键词 满幅 恒跨导 CMOS AB类前馈输出 运算放大器 rail-to-rail constant transconductance CMOS AB class output stage amplifier
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