Data reported here focusing on the liver toxicity of the compounds,n-BGE (501#) and epoxy resin (6101#) indicate that 501# may induce a decrease in the concentration of GSH and an increase in lipoperoxydation in the liver homogenate of the rats in vitro, but there is no apparent effect on the level of cytochrome P450. On the other hand, 6101# may induce decrease of the level of cytochrome P450, but has no effect on lipoperoxydation.
The results of the subacute toxicity test of the rats show that 501# has effects on neither the concentration of GSH、GSSG、GPT and sugar of the blood, nor the concentration of GSH、 GSSG and cytochrome P450 of the liver. The liver index of the rats increases,but no abnormal change of the liver is observed
The joint action of 501# and 6101# shows that there is an additive action in lipoperoxydation in homogenate of the liver in vitro, but they have no combined effect on the level of cytochrome P450 of liver in vivo.
The results described above suggested that in general exposure condition,501# and 6101# have no apparent hazard to the liver.
Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases
n-butyl glycidyl
epoxy resin 6101
liver toxicity