
LASIK术后眼压测量值的变化分析 被引量:8

Analysis of intraocular pressure after laser in situ keratomileusis
摘要 目的探讨准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis,LASIK)后眼压测量值变化的影响因素。方法274例(546眼)近视患者按屈光度分成A组(≤-3.0D),B组(-3.0^-6.0D),C组(>-6.0D),记录LASIK术前、术后3个月用Goldmann眼压计测量眼压,超声角膜测厚仪测量中央角膜厚度(central corneal thickness,CCT)。对眼压差与CCT差、术前CCT、屈光度、年龄、眼别、性别等因素进行相关分析和多元逐步回归分析。结果各组之间眼压差具有统计学差异(PAB=0.014,PBC=0.000,PAC=0.000),相关分析显示眼压差与术前CCT、切削深度有显著相关性(P=0.000),与年龄、性别、眼别、屈光度无显著相关性,性别与左右眼之间眼压差无显著性差异。经多元逐步回归分析,所得最优方程:Y=-0.068+0.21X1+0.018X2。Y为手术前后眼压差(mmHg),X1为切削深度(μm),X2为术前角膜厚度(μm)。结论LASIK术后眼压测量值降低与切削深度、术前CCT有关。 Objective To investigate the factors that affect intraocular pressure(IOP) after laserin situ keratomilcusis(LASIK). Methods LASIK were performed on 274 myopia patients (546 eyes) ,which were divided into three groups for diopter. Group A ( ≤ - 3.0D) ,group B( 〉 -3.0 D, ≤-6.0 D),Group C( 〉 - 6.0 D). IOP were measured with Gddmann tonometer 3 months before and after LASIK,and Central corneal thickness(CCT) was also measured. Correlated and regressive analysis were performed to compare the relationship between the changes in IOP with ablated corneal thickness, CCT before LASIK, age, sexual, diopter. Results The IOP drop between wvery two groups was signiflcanfly different ( PAn = 0. 014, PBC = 0. 000,PAC = 0. 000 ). IOP drop had positive rebtions with ablated corneal thickness and CCt before LASIK, no relationship with age, sexual, diopter, and IOP drop between left eye and right eye had no significant difference with sexual. The regressive equation was Y= -0.068 +.21X1 +0.018X2 ,Ywas IOP drop between before and after LASIK,X1 was ablated corneal thickness and X2 was CCt before LASIK, Conclusion There is a positive correlation between the IOP drop and ablated corneal thickness and CCT before LASIK.
出处 《眼科新进展》 CAS 2007年第8期616-618,共3页 Recent Advances in Ophthalmology
关键词 准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 眼压 近视 角膜 laser in situ keratomileusis intraocular pressture myopia cornea
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