上农玉芹是上海农学院利用有性杂交法培育成功的芹菜新品种。经多年种植表明,该品种结合了父本美国实心芹和母本上海黄心芹的许多优点,小区试验的产量比母本黄心芹高出 30%以上(“玉芹”为每公顷5.25万公斤左右,“黄心芹”为3.67万公斤左右),香味介于父、母本之间。该品种抗虫性、耐热和耐冻等特性都超过双亲或单亲之一。南至海南岛,北至江苏徐州等地均可种植。由于该品种高产、优质,且易栽培,因此自选育成功至1995年,种植面积已达2000公顷,占上海芹菜种植面积的70%。
Yuqin is a new variety of celery successfully bred by SAC through sexual hybridization . Having been grown for several years, this new variety has shown its merits inherited from both its parents, the American solid celery and Shanghai yellow- core celery. The average yield in experimental plots is over 30% higher than that of Shanghai yellow - core celery (about 52500kg/hm2 for Yuqin celery in contrast to about 36700kg/ hm2 for yellow - core celery) , and its aroma is in between the two . Its resistance to pests, cold and heat is superior to that of its parent or parents. Therefore, it' s fit to grow in the far south of Hainan Island as well as in the northern city of Xuzhou,Jiangsu Province. Due to its merits of high yield, fine quality and easy growth, its growing areas have now reached 2000hm2 since its initial success in 1995, constituting 70% of the total used for growing celeries in Shanghai.
SAC Yuqin celery
Sexual hybridization
Repeated pollinization in budding period
Shanghai yellow-core celery
American solid celery