From March to May every year, China usually suffers frequent cold fronts. Because of active cold fronts, during these 3 months, weather in China is characterized by sharp temperatures fluctuations and frequent dusty weather conditions. In order to examine the forecast effect of numerical model and accumulate a wealth of forecasting experience, the 96-hour forecasting products of T213 model were examined and compared with those of ECMWF model and Japan model. The result is that T213, ECMWF and Japan models all work relatively well in mid-range forecast. The ECMWF model shows a good ability in adjusting macro-scale circulation and forecasting the main body of subtropical high-pressure system, while the Japan model is more effective in{orecasting temperatures at 850hpa than other 2 models. In addition, we chose a dusty weather process which ever occurred in 8-10 May , 2007 as a case study. Through analyzing this case, we found that T213 and ECMWF models are more effective than the Japan model in mid-range forecast of the strong surface winds, which caused this dusty weather process.
Meteorological Monthly