
一种从马尔可夫聚类簇发现潜在WEB社区特征的方法 被引量:5

Discovering Signature of Potential Web Communities from Clusters of MCL
摘要 在分析了目前一些典型的社区发现算法的基础上,通过对无主题条件下的隐含社区发现算法的研究,提出将基于流的社区特征和马尔可夫图形聚类算法(MCL)的簇结合起来寻找Web隐含社区的方法.将镜像或近似镜像页面的删除放在图形聚类之后,大大减少了比较的代价.然后,在聚类簇的基础上,使用判定每个簇内元素的筛选算法产生可能的社区候选集合.实验表明,该方法是可行的,可以发现许多存在的社区. Web community is an important social activity in the evolution of Web. The paper analyzes typical algorithms of present Web communities' discovery. Under the condition of non-topic pre-defined and implicit communities, a new method is proposed, which combine both characteristic structure of community and the clusters of Markov Graph Clustering(MCL) to find implicit communities. The procedure of deleting mirror or near-mirror pages is arranged behind graph clustering so that decrease comparing cost considerably. Then a community member select algorithm is used to produce the set of community candidates. The experimental results show the new method works properly and many Web communities are inferred.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期1086-1093,共8页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 本课题得到教育部211项目子课题<WEB资源发现技术>的资助
关键词 WEB社区 链接分析技术 MCL图形聚类 流量模拟 随机漫游 Web community link analysis MCL graph clustering flow simulation random walk
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