
任意三角形毛细管中水力传导率与形状因子关系研究 被引量:3

Research on relationship between shape factor and hydraulic conductance for flow in arbitrary triangular capillary
摘要 孔隙级网络模型可以用简单几何体来代表真实的孔隙孔喉,以分析流体在这些简单几何体中的流动,具有重要的意义。利用有限元法对任意三角形截面管中的单相和油水两相流动的速度场进行了求解,后由速度场进一步计算出了水力传导率。研究了水力传导率与形状因子之间的关系,结果表明,单相流水力传导率与形状因子近似呈直线关系,而油水两相流时,水力传导率除与形状因子有关外,还随着角落半角和油水接触角的变化而变化。 Pore-scale network model represents the genuine pores and throats with simplified geometry objects, to analyze the flow in which is of great importance. Firstly the finite element method is used to solve the velocity field which is then used to calculate hydraulic conductance. The relation between hydraulic conductance and shape factor is researched. As for the single phase flow, the result shows that the hydraulic conductance is nearly linear to shape factor. While with respect to two phase flow, it also changes with half comer angle and oil-water contact angle.
机构地区 中国石油大学
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1729-1732,共4页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
基金 中国石油化工集团公司科技攻关项目(No.P05056)
关键词 水力传导率 形状因子 孔隙级网络模型 有限元法 三角形毛细管 hydraulic conductance shape factor pore-scale network model finite element method triangular capillary
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