生命线系统拓扑优化问题的Benchmark模型是评测新型算法正确性和适用性的重要手段。基于此,首先以生命线网络系统抗震拓扑优化分析模型为背景,建立了该优化问题的三个Benchmark模型,并在Visual Compaq Fortran开发环境下,通过穷举法统计出解空间的所有网络,进而甄选出不同节点可靠度约束下的最优网络和若干次优网络,最后利用上述Benchmark模型对生命线网络系统抗震拓扑优化中的蚁群算法进行测试。结果表明,当网络规模较小时,蚁群算法能精确地搜索到最优解;当网络规模增大后,蚁群算法也能以较大概率搜索到最优解或次优解。
Benchmark models of seismic topological optimization of lifeline systems are important means of evaluating the validity and applicability of some new optimization algorithms.In this paper,based on the model of seismic topological optimization of lifeline systems,three Benchmark models on such optimization problem are presented firstly,then all of the networks belonging to the solution space are emulated by exhaust algorithm under the development environment of Visual Compaq Fortran,whereafter the optimal networks and some suboptimal networks subjected to different nodal reliability constraint are accurately located.Finally,based on the above proposed Benchmark models,the ant colony algorithm applied to seismic topological problem of lifeline network systems is tested.It is clear that the ant colony algorithm can accurately locate the optimal networks in small scale networks and likely find the optimal networks or suboptimal networks as the network's scale increasing.
Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering