

Four-group Maximum Likelihood Decodable Distributed Space Time Codes for Cooperative Communication
摘要 基于Jing-Hassibi的合作分集协议和Rajan等人的普通非正交放大传送(GNAF)协议,提出了具有完全分集和最大似然译码复杂度低的分布空时编码(DSTC)。这些编码是四次群最大似然可译分布空时编码,并且功率在中继之间随时间均匀分布。仿真结果显示这种编码具有较好的性能。 A construction of a new family of Distributed Space-Time Codes(DSTC) having full diversity and low Maximum Likelihood decoding complexity is provided, based on the cooperative diversity protocols of Jing-Hassibi and the Generalized Non-orthogonal Amplify and Forward(GNAF)protocol of Rajan et al. These codes are four-group ML decodable and have uniform distribution of power among the relays as well as in time. Simulation results indicate that these codes have good performance.
作者 彭小平
机构地区 襄樊学院物理系
出处 《信息与电子工程》 2007年第4期267-270,共4页 information and electronic engineering
关键词 合作通信 分布空时编码 四次群 最大似然 cooperative communication Distributed Space-Time Code four-group Maximum Likelihood
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