

Blue-shifted study of the spectrum on the ultra-high-speed mode-locked laser diodes
摘要 本文对一种新型输出波长1.55μm、超高速10 GHz、多量子阱、锁模半导体激光器的自发辐射光谱的蓝移现象进行实验研究,得到随着对锁模半导体激光器增益区施加增益电流的增加(5 mA→70 mA),多量子阱半导体激光器自发辐射光谱存在明显的蓝移现象(1.550μm→1.500μm),以及输出中心波长向短波长方向移动50 nm的实验结果,这对深刻理解和实现光时分复用技术中高质量超短相干脉冲光源具有重要意义. The paper mainly studies the blue-shifted phenomenon of the spontaneous radiation spectrum on the wavelength 1.55 μm,ultra-high-speed 10 GHz,muhi-quantum-well,mode-locked laser diodes in the experiment. With the increase of the gain current(5 mA→70 mA), the blue-shifted phenomenon( 1. 550 μm→1. 500μm) of the spontaneous radiation spectrum on the multi-quantum-well mode-locked laser diodes in the experiment is discussed, and the blue-shifted phenomenon (50 nm) of the center wavelength comes into being, so it is very important to understand and realize the ultra-short pulse light for the optical time division multiplexing technologies of the fiber-optic communication system.
出处 《天津理工大学学报》 2007年第4期37-39,共3页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology
基金 天津市高等学校科技发展基金(20041323)
关键词 光纤通信 锁模半导体激光器 多量子阱 蓝移现象 自发辐射光谱 fiber-optic communication mode-locked laser diodes (MLLDs) multi-quantum-well blue-shifted phenomenon spontaneous radiation spectrum
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