

Investigation of An Epitope on Outer Membrane Protein of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
摘要 目的利用人工合成多肽制备针对淋球菌外膜蛋白PIB抗原表位的特异性多克隆抗体,以期用于淋球菌的检测,为进一步建立新型淋病快速诊断方法提供研究基础。方法根据PIB抗原表位的氨基酸序列合成一段多肽(LD1),并将其与钥孔血蓝蛋白(KLH)偶联构成完全抗原LD1-KLH,免疫动物,收集抗血清,用ELISA和Western blot检测其特异性。结果ELISA检测表明,LD1-KLH具有免疫原性,免疫动物能刺激机体产生较强的体液免疫反应,兔血清抗体和豚鼠血清抗体效价最高分别达到1:3200和1:25600;抗血清能与淋球菌临床株特异性结合,与葡萄球菌、链球菌、大肠杆菌和真菌等其他微生物之间没有交叉反应;Westernblot结果显示,抗血清能识别淋球菌裂解物,产生特异性条带,相对分子质量(Mr)为37300。结论人工合成多肽具有免疫原性,能诱导机体产生识别淋球菌抗原表位的特异性抗体。 Objective To prepare a polyclonal antibody against an epitope on outer membrane protein PIB of Neisseria gonorrhoeae based on chemically synthesized peptide for establishing a rapid diagnostic test for detecting Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Methods A peptide( LD1 ) was synthesized corresponding to sequence of the domain containing the epitope. LD1 was coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) and the LD1-KLH conjugate was used for immunization of animals. Antisera produced following immu- nization were detected by ELISA and Western blot. Results Both the antisera of rabbit and guinea pig reacted with LD1-KLH, and the titer around 1:3 200 and 1:25 600 respectively. The antisera were able to react with Neisseria gonorrhoeae but did not react with other microorganism such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Eseheriehia eoli and fungus. Western blot displayed a specifically Mr (molecular mass relatively)37 300 reactive band in gonococcal whole-cell lysate when incubated in antisera. Conclusion The synthetic peptide has the ability to induce immune response against epitope on gonococcal PIB.
出处 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第8期458-461,共4页 The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology
基金 湖北省科技攻关项目(2006AA301C23)
关键词 淋病奈瑟菌 外膜蛋白 表位 多肽 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Out membrane protein Epitop Peptide
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