Objective To investigate the relationship among recurrence frequence of genital herpes (GH) and peripheral blood prostaglandin 12 ( PGI2 ) level so as to the ratio of CD4^+/CD8^+ of T lymphocyte subtype, Methods Patients with diagnosised GH in STD outpatient department were enrolled and their detail case history,behavior factors were record at their first visit. Blood samples were collected before and after treatment during GH relapse respectively for PGI2 detection by radio immunoassay and account for CD4^+、CD8^+ T lymphocyte by Alkaline Phosphatase-Anti-Alkaline Phosphatase technique (APAAP), Relationship analy- sis was conducted with SPSS10.0 software. Results Positive relationship was showed between GH recurrence frequence and pe- ripheral PGI2 level, moderate positive relationship was showed as well between the case history of GH and its recurrence frequence, No relationship was showed between the behavior factors such as psychological stress, excess sex, tired and GH recurrence frequence. Conclusion Peripheral blood PGI2 level and history are factors to influence GH recurrence frequence, GH recurrence may decrease accompany with lower peripheral PGI2 concentration.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology