
中国20岁及以上人群高胆固醇血症及胆固醇边缘升高流行病学研究 被引量:33

Study on the distribution of prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and borderline high cholesterol in Chinese adults
摘要 目的研究中国20岁及以上人群高胆固醇(TC)血症患病率和血浆总TC边缘升高的分布特征。方法采用整群抽样方法,在全国六类地区对抽取到的48299名20岁及以上调查对象进行空腹血浆总TC的检测。结果在一定的年龄范围内,高TC血症患病率和TC边缘升高率均有随年龄增长而升高的趋势,但大部分地区在60~岁组之后出现下降趋势。城市高TC血症患病率由20~岁组1.36%升高到70岁组12.53%;农村由20~岁组0.98%升高到60~岁组的5.15%。城市和农村人群70岁组的TC边缘升高率分别比20~岁组升高了4.4倍和4.2倍。各年龄组的高TC血症患病率和TC边缘升高率均城市高于农村,一类农村均高于二、三、四类农村;二者50岁以前男性均高于女性,50岁之后女性明显高于男性。结论在一定的年龄范围内高TC血症患病率和TC边缘升高率均有随年龄增长而升高的趋势;二者随地区经济水平增高而增高,并有明显的性别差异。 Objective To study the distribution of prevalence on hypercholesterolemia and borderline high cholesterol of Chinese residents aged 20 years and above. Methods To detect the total fasting plasma cholesterol in 48 299 subjects among 20 year-olds and above. Results Within a certain age range, the prevalence of both hypercholesterolemia and borderline high cholesterol increased with age, but there was a decreasing trend after 60-years of age in some regions. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia increased to 12.53% in over 70 year-olds group from 1.36% in urban 20-year-olds, and increased to 5.15% from 60-year-olds group comparing to 0.98% of the 20-year-old group in rural areas. When comparing to the 20-year-old age group, the prevalence of borderline high cholesterol of the 70 age group in urban and rural increased by 4.4 and 4.2 times, respectively. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia in each age group in urban were higher than that of in rural areas. In Rural Ⅰ , it was higher than that of in Rural Ⅱ , Rural Ⅲ and Rural Ⅳ. The prevalence rates of both hypercholesterolemia and borderline high cholesterol of the males in the less than 50 year-olds group were higher than that in females, which was quite different from the group older than 50 years of age. As to borderline high cholesterol, similar result was also noticed. Conclusion Within a certain age range, there was a trend that the prevalence of both hypercholesterolemia and borderline high cholesterol increased with age and related to regions which were classified by economic status. A distinct difference between males and females also existed.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期729-733,共5页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 卫生部专项经费资助项目(2001DEA30035) 科技部社会公益基金(ZKJBPT100369 2003DIA6N008)
关键词 高胆固醇血症 胆固醇边缘升高 患病率 分布特征 Hypercholesterolemia Borderline high cholesterol Prevalence rate Distribution
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