对某公司的一套延迟焦化装置进行了长周期运行的风险分析并提出了相应对策。首先从工艺生产方面,对影响装置长周期安全运行的因素,如原料性质、装置负荷率和生产方案的变化,以及公用工程和操作的稳定性进行了分析;其次,利用英国TISCHUK公司的T-OCA软件对设备进行基于风险检验(Risk-based Inspection,即RBI)的定量分析,分析了装置中工艺设备的失效可能性和失效后果,确定了设备运行的风险等级并按风险大小进行了排序;最后,确定了装置长周期安全运行存在的薄弱环节并提出了控制措施,以便为该装置的长周期安全运行提供科学的技术支持。
The risks of long-term operation of delayed coking unit are studied based upon the operation of a delayed coker. The impacting factors of long-term operation such as variations of feedstock properties, unit operating capacities and product slate are analyzed. In addition, RBI is performed using T-OCA software from British TISCHUK Company to find out the main hazards of the equipments. The failure probability and consequence of the equipment failure are discussed and risks are classified and rated. The control measures are recommended to provide technical support for the long-term operation of delayed coking unit.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering