Objective To explore the infection and drug resistance of Extended-spectrum β-lactamaseproduing KlebsieUa Pneumoniae (ESBLs-KP) in children, for choosing antibiotic suitably and reasonably. Methods A total of 338 strains of EBSLs-KP were collected during October 2004 to October 2006 from the sputum, feces, urine and blood in pediatric patients of Zhengzhou Children' s Hospital. The samples were selected in paper disk diffusion initially, then were determined by the double-paper disk diffusion method. Results The ESBLs-KP was 25.4 % in total, the drug resistance rate of ESBLs was significantly higher than that of non- ESBLs strains( P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion We can select antibiotic for the infection which was caused by the ESBLs strains according to the ESBLs strains early.
Chinese Pediatric Emergency Medicine