西非被动大陆边缘近海盆地区是世界关注的油气产区和投资热点地区之一,但目前为止的油气产出主要集中在Walvis Ridge以北的盆地区(北部盆地区),而以南的纳米比亚盆地区只发现了一个Kudu气田。从西非被动边缘的构造演化历史、边缘结构特征等方面,通过纳米比亚盆地与北部产油气盆地间的比较,对纳米比亚近海盆地区的油气勘探前景进行了有益的探讨。综合分析后认为,纳米比亚近海盆地区油气勘探没有大的突破的主要原因是受政治影响、勘探程度低及公布资料较少、研究程度低。从边缘演化特征来看,纳米比亚盆地区裂谷作用及海底扩张方式、边缘结构等与北部盆地区十分相似,只不过时间上略早。南、北盆地区都经历了前裂谷期、同裂谷期、过渡期和后裂谷期等几个发育时期,形成了类似的构造—沉积组合,发育类似的烃源岩层(除与北部盆地区类似的烃源岩层外,纳米比亚边缘Karoo期前裂谷期沉积可能也是潜在烃源岩)。成熟度和热史模拟认为,纳米比亚边缘离开海岸线一定距离内油气成熟度达到中、高度,具备了油气生成条件,而储盖层及对西非产油意义较大的蒸发岩也较发育,漂移期地层中发育的重力滑动构造可形成大型构造圈闭并对漂移期浊积岩分布有控制作用。综合分析后认为,纳米比亚盆地区与北部盆地区具十分相似的地质背景,具备了形成油气的条件,应加强勘探与研究工作,而纳米比亚近海盆地离开岸线一定范围是油气勘探的优选目标区。
The basin area near the sea on the passive continental margin of West Africa is one of the oil-gas producing areas of world focus and one of the investment concentrated areas in the world.However,the oil and gas producing currently concentrates in the basin area north of Walvis Ridge,while only Kudu gas field has been discovered in Namibia Basin to the south.Based on comparing Namibia Basin with northern oil-gas hosting basins,meaningful discussion is conducted on the prospect of exploration for oil and gas in the area near the sea of Namibia from the perspectives of structural evolution and features of the passive margin of West Africa.It is considered after comprehensive analysis that the main causes of no remarkable breakthroughs made in the exploration for oil and gas in the basin near the sea of Namibia are the impact of politics,low degree of exploration,less information publicized,and low degree of study.Namibia basin area is found to be similar to northern basin area in rifting,seafloor spreading modes,and marginal structure,based on the marginal evolution characteristics,but it is earlier than the latter one.Both southern and northern basin areas have gone through the pre-rift stage,syn-rift stage,transitional stage,and post-rift stage,and finally developed similar structural and sedimentary assemblages and similar source rocks.Maturity and thermal history modeling show that the oil and gas in the area of Namibia margin off a certain distance from the coastline is of medium and high maturity.So the area has the conditions of oil-gas generation.In addition,reservoir and cap rocks,and evaporite rocks which exert great effect on oil production of West Africa well developed in the area.The distribution of turbidite during the plate drafting period is controlled by the major structural traps generated from gravity gliding structures developed in the formation of the period.On the basis of comprehensive analysis,it reveals that Namibia Basin has similar geological background with the basin area in the north and has the conditions of oil-gas generation.Therefore,exploration and development should be strengthened,as well as the area ranging from Namibia basin area near the sea to the coastline is the optimized target for oil and gas exploration.
China Petroleum Exploration
structural and sedimentary assemblage
hydrocarbon resource rock
prospect of exploration for oil and gas
Namibia basin area near the sea