Bassnett提出了诗歌翻译中"Transplanting the seed"这一概念,但她并未对"seed"下一个明确的定义。文章从Bassnett、Newmark、Barnstone、林语堂、翁显良、许渊冲、刘重德等中外译家的相关论述着手,分析诗歌翻译该翻译什么、侧重点又是什么等问题。虽然"诗无达诂,译无定法",但中外译家的认识却颇具共同之处:译诗首先保留的是诗之内容,是"精神"、"神韵"或"意境",其次才是形式。完全的形似是不可能的,应保留原诗的节奏感和音乐美。
Sasan Bassnett proposed the notion of “Transplanting the seed” in poetry translation but without a clear definition; hence different understandings from poetry translators home and abroad. Different as they are, they stare some similarities:when translating a poem, what should be preserved first is the eontent, the “spirit” of the original poem;then the form. While it is impossible to transplant the original form, its rhythm and musical beauty should be preserved.
Journal of Chendu University:Educational Sciences Edition