抒情女高音在歌剧中常常扮演乖乖女的角色,她们用非常女性化的声音塑造如流水般轻柔荡漾的歌声。这正是妮可.卡贝尔(Nicole Cobell)演唱的方式。她与众不同的音色,充满光泽感,适合任何抒情歌剧的女主人公。妮可的新唱片正向人们展示了这点——所有华丽的唱段她都可以胜任。作为一名抒情女高音,这些来自心灵深处的音乐也让我们看到了妮可艺术表现力中最闪耀的部分。
OUTLINE/The American-born Nicole Cabell was winner of the 2005 C ardiff Singer of the World competition.At 29,Cabell sets very high standards for herself.Her first album includes arias from Donizetti to Gershwin .While lyric sopeanos often portray "good girls "in operas ,she uses an ultra-feminine vocalism to sculpt flowing lines that seemingly float in the air.Cabell's timbre is part silver part gold,suited for any lyric soprano roles.Her new recording demonstrates thet florid passages pose no terrors for her.Aa with all lyric sopranos,it is genuinely soulful music that brings out the essential qualities of her artistry.